Noah goes Kenya
Hello there, my name is Noah. I’m 23 years old and I’ve just finished my stay in Kisumu. I will give you a short overview about the work and life I’ve experienced.
After years of hard work building my ark, I finally managed to ship myself to Kenya. I was ready to go all in and support and learn from the local people.
On my first day I was supposed to work on the farm. They handed me a machete to cut the grass on the field. People told me to be aware of snakes, nothing I can’t handle. I took the machete, went to the field, ready to protect the people from snake attacks. Until I left Kenya four months later, no snake crossed my way or attacked any people at our workplace. Guess they feared big Noah.
Not only did I work on the farm, I also supported the Mayenya Health Center. Either working at the reception, welcoming the clients or helping in the laboratory. I had a great time with the staff, they are always ready to joke around or talk about serious topics like politics, purpose of life and the differences between men and women.
Then there is also the OVC program (orphans and vulnerable children), which supports vulnerable families to help and protect the kids in the long term. To find out more about the specific households, inspector Noah was sent to investigate their current situation. With the help of my findings the program could support them with individualized support to generate stable income or get access to medical treatments.
The above mentioned projects are all located in Mayenya. But occasionally we visited another farm called Newland which is located in another area. This farm is surrounded by trees, hills and calmness. If you are lucky, you can see monkeys there. I also joined the team to stay overnight at Newland. We cooked chapatis, discussed the important questions of life at the bonfire and harvested some honey. The bees didn’t give us a nice welcome though. No pain no gain. Anyways, that’s a story for another time.
During my stay, many friendships were made. We met after work and on weekends to go for a drink, hiked to Nandi Rock, explored Kakamega rainforest, visited bars, watched live acts, threw punches at the local boxing gym and got some food at the Indian restaurant. We had a great time together which I will always remember.
Excuse me, I have to leave now. My jet to Austria is waiting for me. But be aware:
I’ll be back.