Intro to our blog
Welcome to our Blog!
For quite some time we have been planning and thinking about starting this blog, but we were so busy running the projects that we just did not have time. So what awaits you here?
We want to use the platform and our audience to bring our work closer to you. There will be articles about our volunteers, about social and political developments in our target countries, and there will be room to explore our take on development cooperation a bit better.
We know that you are very well aware of our work in Kenya, but maybe some of you do not know that a lot of the work in Kenya is only made possible through the support of an amazing team sitting here in Europe. Right now we are based in four countries: Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and Luxembourg, and everywhere there are people investing their time and money into our projects. In the following weeks and months, we will introduce them here and they can share their story.
If you have any ideas or suggestions then please let us know. Just send us a message through our contact form and we will get back to you.
Best regards,
Your Make Me Smile Team.