Your contribution can make a significant difference in the world, and we appreciate your support. 

There are several ways you can help us achieve our mission.


Especially monthly donations are an excellent way to support our organization as they provide us with a consistent source of funding.

Your contribution, no matter the size, helps us to continue our work and make a positive impact in the world.


We welcome enthusiastic individuals to join our team and help us with our workload. If you are in Europe, you can volunteer with us directly, just contact us.

In Kenya

If you are looking for a more hands-on experience, you can visit our partner organization, Make Me Smile Kenya, to volunteer and see our projects firsthand. To the website.

Since we have partnered with the Austrian Service Abroad you can now do your mandatory civil service at our partner organization Make Me Smile Kenya.


Your donation is a powerful way to make a difference in the lives of those in need, especially when given monthly. If you live in Germany, Switzerland, or Austria, your donation is tax-deductible. Join us in our mission to create positive change and give hope to those who need it most.

Thank you for considering a donation today.
